王老師的智慧猶記得那個六六大順的一 年,一場奮戰後,終於進入這個號稱擁有台北市最大藍天的學校,東樓二樓狹小的教室,是我們的新家。一位年輕的英文老師是我們的導師,她給予我們智慧和英文能力,我們也毫不吝惜的回報她世紀的「磨鍊」,她常講「不要太驕傲,監獄裡有很多人是從這裡畢業的。」,是的,這位老師是位智者,高二轉丙組班後就離開她的勢力範圍,畢業後也未曾再相見,不過永遠記得她的當頭棒喝,如今她已退休,在藍天官網留下一篇充滿趣味與智慧的文章,在此轉貼,以饗有緣人。王玲敏老師的文章:Carol’s A to Z (王玲敏老師的智慧言語)Carol has taught here over twenty years.All her days are filled with hopes, fears, and tears.Relentless and 酒店兼職heartless students break herOld heart, and yet promising youths make herLove teaching once again. From A to ZShe depicts the boys and girls teachers see. A boy sits by the window looking out,Boredom written on his face with no doubt,Counting minutes one by one in his mind,Dying to rush out and leave his books behind. Earnestly the girl stares at the blackboard,Feverishly wielding her pen like a sword,Gladly absorbing the wits and wisdomHighly valued in the knowledge kingdom. In his notebook he jots down every wordJust said by his teacher of his accord,Keen to learn everything from his mentor,Like a fledgling learning from 酒店打工its mother. Moment to moment the girl lives her life,Never spending time whetting her knifeOf education, but she fools aroundPractically all day, ne’er duty bound. Questions he never asks, nor does he tellRight from wrong. He eats, sleeps, and waits for the bell.Seldom does he hand in his assignmentTo any teacher without resentment. Unmoved by her playing classmates, she strivesVery hard to clean the classroom and arrivesWith the dawn breaking. She helps the teachersXerox, distribute, and hang the pictures. Yes, they’re the students of H.S.N.U.,Zealous or listless, with hopes or with rue. 她在此教書,二十年有餘日子充滿淚酒店兼職,希望和恐懼無情的學生,惹她大聲哭有心的孩子,使她又再度燃起了信心。她娓娓道來師長的眼中,附子的百態男生坐窗邊,眼睛向外望無聊寫臉上,一心想去逛心中在讀秒,一刻不能候渴望衝出去,書本拋腦後 女孩盯黑板,認真無雜念努力地揮筆,彷彿揮寶劍快樂地吸收,寶貴的知識無上的智慧,永恆的價值 一句接一句,老師的話語全錄在筆記,男孩很進取用心學恩師,點滴都不漏如小鷹學飛,絕不打折扣 只管這一時,不管下一刻女孩在揮霍,青春的顏色從不認真學,更不認真聽成日在打混,無責一身輕 問題從不問,是非亦不明他只吃和睡,等待下課鐘準時交作業,從來沒有過恭敬對老師,他絕不會做 別人都在玩,她卻努力掃教室和走廊,垃圾無處逃清早到學校,自願來助師影印發考卷,還有發酒店經紀圖片 附子諸百態,盡寫此詩中熱情或冷漠,成龍或成空 【賞析】這首詩是以「英雄式偶句」(Heroic couplet) 的形式寫就。所謂「英雄式偶句」,簡單地說就是每行十個音節,每兩行押一個韻腳的敘事詩;因為長度不拘,最適合敘述英雄的偉大事蹟,故得其名。 這首詩又特別設計了每行行首的第一個字母,首尾銜接就是詩題。為了遷就詩的形式及長度,內容便無法隨意揮灑,無法將附子更多、更妙、更絕、更逗趣的百態一一描述。至於中譯部份,為了保留「英雄式偶句」的形式,每行十字,每兩行押一個韻,內容少部份與英詩原文有所出入。有人說翻譯像女人,美麗就不忠實,忠實就不美麗(Translations are like women: when they are beautiful, they are not faithful, and vice 酒店工作versa.),誠然也。

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